Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Daily Grind - And I Don't Mean Coffee!!!

I'm inside a box,
bound with twine.
It helps neither to pray
nor to whine.
My captors torment me
with tasks so mundane,
I can't think in color
or play in the rain.
Creativity is frowned on,
punished sometimes.
and it's even a struggle
to come up with this rhyme.
I beg for release
though I doubt it will come.
So my only solace
comes from my mind,
where I dream of white beaches
and a place to hide,
from the every day stress
that is this grind.

copyright 2007 - TLP

Going the Extra Mile

Two-wayness is essential to good relationships. What is two-wayness?? You know that old adage that relationships are (or should be) a two-way street. I believe in theory that this is true. However, in reality, it seldom is.... I mean come on - do you know anyone in any relationship that has any ounce of equality? But, still life is about making compromises and two-wayness is essential - at least the attempt at two-wayness should be there else there is a tendency for one person to make all the extra effort. I call it going the extra mile. I have a problem with it. It's not making an effort that is an issue with me, rather, but making too much of an effort. Things can get lopsided in a hurry and people can and sometimes do take it for granted that I will always go the extra mile. Sometimes I drive those miles on a one-way street. Sometimes I want to stop driving all together and wait for the other cars to catch up or for them to come from the other direction and meet me half-way. BUT!!! Oh and this is a big but.....Even when the other car doesn't come, I keep on driving and go that extra mile. BECAUSE - these are people I love and it's the right thing to do. Otherwise, I am afraid I may find myself on the highway to hell only to discover it is a dead end street with no hope of making a U-turn!

So, kudos for the extra-milers out there. And for people who are lucky enough to have extra-milers in your life, take a moment to thank them for all that they do for you. Without them, you might find yourself on the same highway, going in the wrong direction with no hope of that U-turn.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

K + 2

Odd name for a blog post I guess, until you know what it means. K = Katrina 2 = two years post Katrina. Some of you may be wondering why it matters to you. It matters to you because it matters to me. It may have been easy to put it out of your mind not long after it happened if you didn't live here, or if you didn't have a chance to see it for yourself. It is difficult for many to fathom the utter devastation that we are still reminded of each day. Pictures never did it justice. Only walking amongst the debris and destruction put it into perspective. A generation will remember where they were when Katrina hit, just as many benchmark their life on where they were when we landed on the moon or when the towers in New York City fell.

But on this day, two years past Katrina, I am thankful. Because although I lost everything (material that is), I gained so much. Many of us regained our humanity, our faith and our sense of direction even as we wandered lost for many months. It was in the devastation of Katrina that we rediscovered the most important things we have. People; the love and loyalty of family and friends and a sense of community that will be forever within us.

My wish for all of you, is that you know already or will learn these things without having to undergo such trauma. Unfortunately, it often takes an event the magnitude of Katrina before we wake up and get back on the path where our compass points to our own north star..... the path that in your gut you have always been able to feel but not quite been able to put your feet on.

It is an awesome feeling to have my heart and my head going down the same path and not even needing sturdy shoes to walk on it.

Peace! Tracy

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Poetry from my Insane Brain!!!

For your reading pleasure or displeasure :-) I present one of my "don't know where it comes from" poems..... Don't analyze it.

Copyright 2006 Tracy L Patman


On the edge of sanity,
I walk a narrow line.
Is this really happening
or is it in my mind?
It just keeps racing blindly,
to where I do not know,
little pills wash down my throat,
in hopes that it will slow.

Down the darkened tunnel
I wander aimlessly
Paths in all directions
Which one could it be
I reach out in desperation
but find a padded wall
I struggle with a handle,
Am i free at all?

I drift from all the visions,
and imagine better times
I battle with a demon,
then an angel comes in sight.
She gently moves the pillow
that crowded round my face,
I see the sun is rising
and I am free from the race.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Question 4: What is your moral code in relation to right and wrong?

I know what you are all thinking. It's about freaking time that I got on with the questions! Well I have been busy trying to decide just what my moral code is... What is morality and who defines that for us? I believe that most people intuitively know what is right and what is wrong. For most it is innate. Is that possible? Am I implying that we are born with either good or evil in our blood? That should be one of the ten eternal questions.... BUT, for now, we will stick with this one. My moral code as it relates to right and wrong is simple. In general, I believe that if what I do does no harm to anyone else or thing, then it's okay in my book. There, you have it. My philosophy. Does this hurt you in any way???

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Question 3. Do you accept the concept of Karma, or the sense of cause and effect?

From a definition on Wikipedia, Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The results or "fruits" of actions are called karma-phala. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others.

I firmly believe that our deeds, good or bad, will result in an effect on our life in the future. This effect will be positive or negative based on our actions. I believe that if you do harm to others, physically or emotionally, it will come back to you. I believe that you reap what you sow. Sometimes, when we are being wronged or have been wronged, we may have the urge to seek vengeance or to pay back that wrong. But, I believe life pays back so we don't have to because as they say, "what goes around comes around".

Your thoughts?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Question 2: Do you think that life is all there is, or do you believe in the afterlife

Well hell yeah! Who wants to think we end up just covered with dirt and worms Eewwww!! But seriously. I want to believe there is a place beyond death that our souls go to spend eternity. But, will I be on the stairway to Heaven or off to Hell in a Handbasket. Depends on who you ask LOL. and I am not telling.............

The Safety of Silence

I recently picked up the new Dixie Chicks CD and there is a song called "Silence". I want to talk about silence in the context that they sing about. Now for me, there are very few people in my life (one handful) that will fall into this place in which silence speaks more than words we will ever share. It is a comfort that comes from the confidence that the relationship you have does not always require words. That the love, respect, and friendship you share is true and timeless. It just is. Unspoken. It is these places I go to gain refuge from the constant hum of the world. To find the peace and safety of love and true friendship. It is a place I know that I am always safe and always wanted. I hope you all have a place or places like this that you share with people in your life. It is a most wonderful silence.

What Is Your Concept of God

At last post I had posted the Ten Eternal Questions from a book I am reading and I promised a weekly answer to each of the questions based on my view..... That was November 27th and thats been a while but it's time to get back at the matter at hand and start exploring these very thought provoking questions.

My concept of God: This isn't really hard for me now, although early on it was quite a struggle. As I was growing up I went to church and my concept of God was that of what most Christians concept of God is. God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. That concept was shattered for me initially when I chose to study Geology in college and was first faced with Evolution. For a while I was very dissillusioned because facts are facts as they say. Over time I learned a way to reconcile my belief in a higher power who did in fact create us with the facts of evolution and the big bang theory.

Here's my thought. A day is 24 hours as we well know. But as we also know, the earth is 4.5 billion years old. So, how did the earth come to be in 7 days when we know physically it is 4.5 billion years old. I believe that God guided the creation of the Universe, Earth and man in the 4.5 billions years that passed. The Bible had to speak to the creation in terms that the culture of the time could understand, so it was 7 days and 7 nights. That's it. And on the 7th day he rested.

Eloquent, profound? Not really. Just my evolution of my belief. I don't want to live in a world where there is not God or Jesus. They both give us hope and guidance for becoming better people. And God knows we could all be better people.
