Sunday, January 28, 2007

Question 2: Do you think that life is all there is, or do you believe in the afterlife

Well hell yeah! Who wants to think we end up just covered with dirt and worms Eewwww!! But seriously. I want to believe there is a place beyond death that our souls go to spend eternity. But, will I be on the stairway to Heaven or off to Hell in a Handbasket. Depends on who you ask LOL. and I am not telling.............

The Safety of Silence

I recently picked up the new Dixie Chicks CD and there is a song called "Silence". I want to talk about silence in the context that they sing about. Now for me, there are very few people in my life (one handful) that will fall into this place in which silence speaks more than words we will ever share. It is a comfort that comes from the confidence that the relationship you have does not always require words. That the love, respect, and friendship you share is true and timeless. It just is. Unspoken. It is these places I go to gain refuge from the constant hum of the world. To find the peace and safety of love and true friendship. It is a place I know that I am always safe and always wanted. I hope you all have a place or places like this that you share with people in your life. It is a most wonderful silence.

What Is Your Concept of God

At last post I had posted the Ten Eternal Questions from a book I am reading and I promised a weekly answer to each of the questions based on my view..... That was November 27th and thats been a while but it's time to get back at the matter at hand and start exploring these very thought provoking questions.

My concept of God: This isn't really hard for me now, although early on it was quite a struggle. As I was growing up I went to church and my concept of God was that of what most Christians concept of God is. God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. That concept was shattered for me initially when I chose to study Geology in college and was first faced with Evolution. For a while I was very dissillusioned because facts are facts as they say. Over time I learned a way to reconcile my belief in a higher power who did in fact create us with the facts of evolution and the big bang theory.

Here's my thought. A day is 24 hours as we well know. But as we also know, the earth is 4.5 billion years old. So, how did the earth come to be in 7 days when we know physically it is 4.5 billion years old. I believe that God guided the creation of the Universe, Earth and man in the 4.5 billions years that passed. The Bible had to speak to the creation in terms that the culture of the time could understand, so it was 7 days and 7 nights. That's it. And on the 7th day he rested.

Eloquent, profound? Not really. Just my evolution of my belief. I don't want to live in a world where there is not God or Jesus. They both give us hope and guidance for becoming better people. And God knows we could all be better people.
