Monday, July 22, 2013

Don't Blink

As I reflect on the last two weeks of celebrating my 50th birthday, which culminated in the completion of a six week fitness boot camp with amazing results along with the best birthday party ever, I find myself blue as the deep ocean.   At first there seemed to be no particular reason that I could  put my finger on other than that after a great week of awesome accomplishments, activities and visits from friends and family, Monday arrived as if on queue to rain on the parade.   I  considered the possibility that turning 50 really is bothering me;  after all it is the age of AARP, discounts and being over the hill; But finally, I realized it is something more like what happens when people are spared in a great tragedy but their neighbors are not.   There is guilt, not rational, but it is there just the same.   I know someone that  won't see their fiftieth birthday and I want to give them lives or extra moves the way I can when I play Candy Crush.   Because it just seems so wrong that they won't be able to line dance the Cupid Shuffle, bust a move to Stevie B or  throw jello shots to friends in the pool who came to the big 5-0 celebration.  

My awesome friend Janine called a couple days after my birthday to give me best wishes.  She  asked me if I had made a resolution on turning 50.   I was puzzled and told her I  really had not thought about it but now I have, because  tomorrow is not guaranteed.  One day the final bell will ring and school will be out forever.    But until it does,  I resolve to smile,  be kind, be positive, and find the silver lining in every cloud and look upon each day as a gift filled with possibilities.  I will cherish every moment and try to be an inspiration to others.  We only get so many trips around the sun.   This girl is going to put on some shades and enjoy the ride..... and I won't blink.  50 years goes faster than you think.....  :-) Peace -  Tracy