Sunday, February 18, 2007

Question 3. Do you accept the concept of Karma, or the sense of cause and effect?

From a definition on Wikipedia, Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The results or "fruits" of actions are called karma-phala. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others.

I firmly believe that our deeds, good or bad, will result in an effect on our life in the future. This effect will be positive or negative based on our actions. I believe that if you do harm to others, physically or emotionally, it will come back to you. I believe that you reap what you sow. Sometimes, when we are being wronged or have been wronged, we may have the urge to seek vengeance or to pay back that wrong. But, I believe life pays back so we don't have to because as they say, "what goes around comes around".

Your thoughts?


BB said...

I believe in the concept of Carmen. To me she is a really cute woman who is funny in those Taco Bell commercials. Giving me hope that maybe I, someone who is a goofball, can land someone like Carmen Electra... and then dump her. Yeah, I know it will never happen - but she does show me the power of cause and effect. She has quite the effect on me, cause she is really cute. So, I accept the concept of Carmen. Yes I do missy. Thank you for asking.

BB said...

Enough is enough! When will we get the next question? I don't believe in karma and I don't believe in cause/effect. That stuff is just for losers who want to believe that those who did them wrong in this life will get their "just rewards" in the next life.

Karma Police - arrest this blog!

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you get your Karma back I will get my writing groove back.... But then again... maybe not. Oh Mr Weatherman, where art thou weatherman??