Monday, November 27, 2006

Ten Eternal Questions

I picked up a book called Ten Eternal Questions by Zoe Sallis. Ten questions are posed and answered by numerous artists, stars and presidents etc. These people, according to the book, shape the world, but when the spotlight is off, what do they think about things that really matter?

I believe we all shape the world, but in more quiet subtle ways so I want to know what you think about the ten eternal questions.

1. What is your concept of God?
2. Do you think that life is all there is, or do you believe in the afterlife?
3. Do you accept the concept of Karma, or the sense of cause and effect?
4. What is your moral code in relation to right and wrong?
5. Do you believe in destiny, and do you see yourself as here to fulfill it?
6. What has life taught you so far?
7. What advice or words of wisdom would you like to pass on to those close to you?
8. Do you believe our survival on planet Earth is being threatened?
9. Who do you most admire in this world, historical or living?
10. How do you find peach within yourself?

Next week - My answer to question 1. Join me! Peace