Friday, February 27, 2009

Climbing the Right Mountain

I am always moving, always doing, always, always....There are many mountains in this world that we have opportunities to climb. In the pursuit of our dreams we strive to reach the top of our chosen mountain. Sometimes we find ourselves on plateaus or in valleys and seemingly no way to move forward or go up. But think about it...... There is a purpose to the temporary slow downs on our climb to the top. It is in these moments that significant events are going on and if we speed to the top, we will never experience these events. There are people in our lives that we need to know, and if we go to fast to our goals, those moments with the people we love the most, will be lost forever. Also, in the experience of being in the plateaus or valleys smelling the flowers and enjoying moments with the people we love, we may determine there is a different peak we were meant to climb. The slowdown is not always failure but oppurtunity to turn a different way, and maybe, just maybe, the right way. Peace