Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Tracy's Day

Everyone who knows me - knows this: I do not have children. By choice. But on two occasions now, I have had great regrets over that choice. After the first event, I had the opportunity to get to know two very special kids, Bailey and Brennan. They have become a very significant part of my world. If you saw me with them and didn't know, you might think that I was their mother. I am not, but at the same time, I am something more.... Last Saturday I had the honor to attend Bailey's first communion. As I watched this big event in a dozen or so eight year olds lives, I was struck with a wave of regret for not having my own children. I struggled to hold back the tears and for the most part I managed, but it was not unnoticed by Bailey. She inquired as to why I was crying and I told her, I can't talk about it right now but I will tell you later. Of course, any of you who know any eight year olds, they don't forget. True to form, she asked me after the ceremony was over. I told her that I was sad because I did not have my own children. She walked me outside and told me she would be inside if I needed her... that alone was worth all the gold in Fort Knox. But, it didnt end there. I went home and on Sunday celebrated Mother's day with mine and my husbands parents. Late in the day, Bailey called me to see if I could come over. I told her I would try so she proceeded to tell me why she wanted me to come over. She had made me something you see. She had proclaimed that every mother's day from that day forward would also be known as Tracy's day because although I am not a parent, I am very special to her and she wanted to celebrate that every year on my special day. I went to see her and she gave me a hand-made card that had a million I love you's and a Happy Tracy's Day message that would melt any heart. I display this beautiful card on my refrigerator and will cherish it till I am departed from this earth, because, Bailey and Brennan love me. An unconditional love that everyone should be so lucky to experience.

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