Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Nature of Trust

Trust - Defined as: "Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing". Exactly what does that mean to you? Trust is sometimes difficult. Even when someone has shown you time and time again that you have every reason to trust them, the constant bombardment of our brain by media and sometimes friends, tells us we must doubt. However, we cannot live life fully and fruitfully if we allow ourselves to be infiltrated by doubt, in a world peppered with negativity and true friends will not tell you to doubt someone you know is trustworthy. So what do you do. To trust everyone is silly, to trust noone, sillier. Trust (yes, there is that word again) your gut and give the people who deserve it, the same trust that you expect them to have in you. It is the only way to live.

1 comment:

BB said...

Trust But Verify

Trust is a dish best served cold... wait a minute... maybe that is something else... I dunno... Trusting someone means never having to say you are sorry. wait a minute... that's not right either. Ah screw it, trust hurts - yeah yeah. Cause you gotta have trust, a trust, trust a trust trust trust... whatever - quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog - Sir!