Monday, March 20, 2006

Just One Eye As it Turns Out!!

LOL - Well previously I was driving with my eyes closed and now, well its just one. After a long arduous year of tests, somebody, FINALLY, was able to tell me why I have double vision and this weird strobe light thing going on with my left eye....
DRUM ROLL Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Superior Oblique Myokymia.... WTF you ask? Well, shortly it is a problem where my 4th cranial nerve and my superior oblique muscle in my left eye don't play well together! So, I have this rare neurological disorder shared by about 6000 people worldwide.. I am SOOOOOO proud, LOL. Good news, not life threatening... Bad news... Nasty medication. Works on the Wonky eye most of the time. Happy to now know its not MS or something equally bad. Don't cry for me Argentina! oh thats another story....What was I saying????


BB said...


Could actually be a magic number sequence. However, it is the number of comments you have received, per post, since you started the blog.

Interesting how things decrease with intensity when something new is introduced.

My "blog-response" numbers:


so some things get better with age???

Unknown said...

I guess superior oblique myokymia is better than some things ... there are worse things in life.

Like you said, it IS quite rare, though. This "disorder" occurs when one of the muscles that controls eye rotation starts to twitch kinda funny. This can give the disorienting image that the world is moving.

Most people can't see the eye twitching as it is very minute, but you can see it under the microscope like in this video:

superior oblique myokymia twitching video

Sounds like this little movement is causing your vision to seem bonkers. Hope you find a combination of medicine that works and doesn't knock you out!