Saturday, August 29, 2015


We have arrived at the 10th anniversary of Katrina.   After this much time has passed, I find myself at a loss for words.   But I found a short unfinished poem I wrote right after Katrina and decided to finish it.  I thought it appropriate to share it at this milestone.   As I sit here sipping on my signature margarita, the Katrinarita, I am sobered by and in awe of the incredible force of mother nature. But, more awesome in it's power is the resiliency of the human spirit.  We didn't just survive Katrina, we rose up, recovered, restored and thrived.    Never forget.

Surreal it seems,
it's but a dream,
from which I soon 
will wake.

Any day I'll find

my home is mine,
not scattered
beyond my reach.

But from the ruin
a new strength comes
from somewhere
deep inside.

It brings the will
not just to survive,
But to rise and
then to thrive.

I write this blog to remind me of the lessons I took from Katrina.    Possessions can be replaced and in the grand scheme are unimportant.  He who has the most toys does not win.   The love and loyalty of family and true friends is eternal and even in the ebb and flow of life, on this we can always count.   In our journey we are shaped by the people and events we encounter and sometimes, in tragedy, we are made whole.

Peace :-)

Copyright TLP 2015

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