Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Welcome To Coastal Confessions

Crazy - Yeah maybe I am. I, as many of my friends, are surviving the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Wouldn't you be a little touched by it all? Maybe you have seen us on the news or in pictures on the web, but nothing compares to pulling up to your property and finding it scattered to the four winds or waters, as it were. Imagine driving to the local watering hole, and to realize, there is literally nothing left of the life you knew. It is truly shocking. I knew when I left, that in all probability, there would be nothing left when we returned but still its unfathomable even 8 weeks later. Katrina may have washed away our belongings, but she did not wash away our spirit. We have been taught a very expensive lesson. What we hold close in our hearts should not be physical possessions, but the gifts of love, family and friendship. We have crawled above the rubble with those gifts still intact and because of it, we are truly blessed. Give me your thoughts. Be happy, be thankful. Life and love shine above it all. Peace. Tracy


Anonymous said...

I was very thankful to see that you and your hubby were safe. I can only imagine what it would be like to return to your home and find nothing there. Good luck to you and stay in touch!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy and Larry,
Thank you for sending this to us.
We have tried numberous times to
call, but you have been in our
prayers constantly.
I cannot imagine how terrible the
last weeks have been for you all,
but we are so grateful you all are
Wish you could join us on our trip
next week.
When you get time, please let us
know how we can best reach you.
All of our love,
Aunt Ruth & Joe

Tracy said...

Thank you all for your warm words and prayers. It is with the support of friends and family that we are getting through this, one step at a time. Baby steps at that. God never gives us more than we can handle or leaves us alone. The angels are all around us. Tracy

Anonymous said...

K - Keep after the insurance agencies
A - Air quality not bad
T - Time to eat another MRE

Anonymous said...

R - RV really does suck
I - I can't believe I still live in South Mississippi after this
N - Notice Meech lives in Colorado
A - Absolve your sins before God strikes us again!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy and Larry,
Just to let you know that we have been thinking and praying for you both. We are happy that you are safe and look forward to seeing you both again soon. The peace Jesus gives operates in the good times and bad, when you are abounding or being abased. His peace operates in the middle of the storm. We pray that you have this peace at all times as God provides abundantly for you.

Anonymous said...

"Veni Vedi Vici" - KatRita. "Did anyone get the license number of that truck?" - Gulf Coast "Wars over man. Wormer dropped the Big One." - FEMA "Over? Did you say 'Over?' Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? HELL NO" - Gulf Coast! "As long as people are still having premarital sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!" - Larry after KatRita

Anonymous said...

Yes, love, family, and friends are what are important. Too often we lose sight of that in this crazy materialistic world. That is what important, not the buying frenzy all of the stores want us to engage in.
My prayers and the prayers of my family are with you.
Robert DiStasio

Anonymous said...

Has everyone given up on Coastal Confessions? Where will I have an outlet???

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are trying to start a fight. I have bills too and no freaking house. My taxes and insurance went up so I don't want to hear it. Whoever you are, have a little freaking compassion and if you havent seen what it looks like then come down and walk in HELL yourself. Because you are probably cozy by a nice fire in the mountains and there are people here living in tents.

Anonymous said...

not trying to start a fight but your first post is a bitter one. We appreciate everyone down here helping. We also, as victims, volunteered our time and money in this community. Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

Humans are a virus on this earth.